Get up and make history

Hello friends, today on Writeabc we are going to discuss Get up and make history in life.

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O Friends - Have you ever wondered why people with a clear goal in life are successful? And who does not have a goal in front of them, why do they spread.

Let me tell you about this today. I am not telling these things in my own heart. I have read these all these things in a book that is going to share with you today.

So read this post to the last, because if you understand these things today, then your life will not be as it is going on till now. Your misfortune will turn into a fortune and you will find that the things you want to achieve.

Then you will never be disappointed and you will be free from all the sorrows and fears that have surrounded you for a long time.
What is the real reason for success and failure? Let me tell you today -
Get up and create history, create history,
Get up and create history
We are the same as we think - Yes, Friends, this is the thing on which the most popular and great people around the world have always been united. The words and thoughts of all these people can be different.

Take up any great person in history and pay attention to his life. Whether he was poor or rich. He had neither the means nor the circumstances.

All of them would look different. But one thing that you will see in their entire life. They thought that they lived and lived just as they wanted to be. Their every word was the same and they wanted to grow.

The Great Philosopher, Réal Emerson, said that the greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being becomes like what he thinks all day long. 

I believe that whatever you want to become, fully believe in your mind. You have become those that you have said - in your thoughts and in your habits this thing should be seen - then one time it will come that this idea will dominate you so much that - will take the path on which you want to go.

William James said that a person can achieve a bigger goal by making changes in his thinking and actions. rather he says that if you think too much about a particular result then you get that result. 

If you want to become rich, you will become rich. If you want to become a scholar, then you become a scholar. If you want to be famous, you will become famous. 

Just you have to do it Generate real will in-between times and keep in mind that at the same time, one goal should be in front of you. You only think about it and keep doing all your work keeping in mind the same.

Hundreds of goals at one time Never let you succeed in life. So, the two things that you have to remember, the first of these– the person who thinks that is the same. And Second - at one time you have to try hard on the same goal.

Just after that, you will achieve every goal that you have decided for yourself.


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