Time Management - 10 [ BEST ] Tips To Manage Time Effectively

Time Management Tips for Competitive Exam Preparation

Time Management Tips, time management, how to manage your time

Time Management Tips

Hello Friends, since childhood, we are taught that "Time is Money" might have
been rote in fear of the teacher, but how many people adopted it in life? In
today's post, we will give information about time management.
  Friends, there will be many people around you who work hard throughout the day
to complete their tasks. Looking at him, you feel that he must have completed
all his tasks on time.

But when he is asked about this, it comes to know that even after being so busy,
he is unable to complete all his work and many of his works remain incomplete.

When you want to know the reason for them, the only answer is that “time is less. "
  But the thing to think is that every person in the world has only 24 hours a day,
but some people are not able to complete their work even after being busy all
day and some people can reach the peak of success at this time.
  Arnold Bennett says - "Whenever you wake up in the morning, you get 24 hours
without doing anything in your purse. This is the 24 hour that no one can steal
from you, nor can anyone snatch and neither can increase it.

This is yours, now you use it or not, there is no one to punish you. No
one will ask you what you did for 24 hours. This is your life, your 24 hours…
Either live it or squeeze these 24 hours. "
So in this post today, we are going to tell you the 10 important tips of Time
Management told by Sharad Tiwari, which will help you to reach the peak of
1. The simplest way to save time is to become multitasking…. Often there are
many such tasks in our routine in which we can do two tasks or more tasks
together… By marking such works we can save our time !!
2. Make a list of things for the next day at night… that is, a list of the work you
have to do tomorrow… ..and then keep that list with you the next day… It
will make you feel every moment how much work you do Finish and
how much is left .. !!
3. Evaluate your target list every night at night .. so that you know how many
targets you gave yourself last night and how many tasks you were able to
finish .., this will speed you up to work the next day. Will increase
automatically !!
  4. Believe it or not... But in today's time, social media takes the most time….
Scrolling the home page for hours on Facebook… If a photo or status is
entered, then go and write it and wait for the comment!

If considered right, even if we logout Facebook, then even then the brain is
not able to remove it immediately …. This wastes a lot of our time !!
5. Make a systematic time table… and most importantly, follow it. Often people
just make a time table and cannot follow more than a day or two…. !!
6. Try to avoid those who are stuck for hours on mobile .., try to understand
yourself that all this is not right for you and you're future right now .. and
also keep a personal sim.. whose numbers are only Close to your special
people… so that you can switch off the normal number while studying !!
7. Make a habit of waking up early in the morning .. This will not alleviate the
whole day! We often sleep late at night in Whatsapp, Facebook, mobile
circles... So we wake up late the next day… .that makes all the time
management worse !!
8. Always keep the watch ahead for 5 or 10 minutes… ..it will enable you to
finish the work within the stipulated limit… and one benefit will be that
you will never be late !!
9. Do not waste time at all… Before doing any work, do think once before that
is it beneficial for you in any way? .. you have to decide for yourself what
is important for you at this time… and who should give you time !!
10. One of the most important things, if you can do, is…. Start doing the work
that is being done by putting a stopwatch… This will enable you to increase
the speed at some time !!


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