Gautam Buddha's [ BEST ] Motivational Life Stories , Quotes , Teachings

Hello Friends, Today on Writeabc, we are presenting you with the motivational stories of Gautam Buddha that will inspire you.

Teach this triple truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity. - Buddha quotes

 Gautam Buddha , buddha motivational stories, motivational stories, kids motivational stories, buddha statue

Gautam Buddha motivational stories 

Everyone says that they try very hard. But why not get the result? Read the motivational story of Gautam Buddha.

  • What are the stories related to Gautam Buddha?

It is a very old thing that Gautam Buddha is passing through a village with his disciples. Gautam Buddha Ji suddenly feels thirsty, he said to one of his disciples, we are sitting under this tree. You go to the pond of the village, bring water from in this pot.

The disciple who had agreed to his guru and reached near the pond and sees that the farmer who is near the pond is having bath. 

The women of village are washing the clothes in the pond together, the pond water was very dirty. The disciple did not understand how to get so much dirty water for Gurudev.

So the disciple waited for a while and did not understand anything, so he returned back. Where Gautam Buddha Ji stopped and the disciple went to Gautam Buddha Ji and said sorry, Gurudev I wanted to come with water but the water was so dirty that I could not bring. 

Gautam Buddha Ji did not say anything to that disciple. And Buddha Ji said that we rest here for a while and you too relax.

After half an hour, Buddhaji again told the disciple that you go and fill this pitcher with water from that pond and come, I am very thirsty. 

The disciple reaches the pond and watches the soil of the pond had sat down. The water was clean and clear.

The disciple filled water in the pitcher and came back to Gautam Buddha. And said that I could not understand how got this water cleaned? 

And Buddha Ji said that I wanted to explain this thing to you. How the water of the pond was cleared in half an hour, the soil sat down, just like that you have a mind.

Sometimes we try a lot of hard work. And we starving just for the result, but at that time we do not pay attention that our mindset is unbalanced, even if we put a lot of effort into that problem at that time, we cannot attempt it properly.

So give a little time to your brain And be calm, after that, understand your full power and start the work that you have to do, you will definitely get the destination. 
 Gautam Buddha  Teachings,  Gautam Buddha , buddha motivational stories, motivational stories, kids motivational stories, buddha statue

   Gautam Buddha Stories

Once upon a time, Gautam Buddha was sitting with his disciples. Then a person came on vehicle who was very angry.

And coming to Gautam Buddha, he started saying very bad, the disciples of Gautam Buddha got very angry but Gautam Buddha was very quiet, the person left the on his vehicle.

Then the next day he came again and today he was more angry and started to say more badly to Gautam Buddha, but even today Gautam Buddha was very calm and smiling but the disciples of Gautam Buddha got very angry. The man shouted for some time and then went away.

The next day that person came again and today he did so to the extent that he started abusing Gautam Buddha, the disciples of Gautam Buddha were very angry but even today, Gautam Buddha was very calm and kept on walking and smiling.

This sequence continued for a few days. Then that person stopped coming. Then one of his disciples asked, Guruji if you wanted, you could drive that person away on the very first day, but why did you not do it yourself?

Then Gautam Buddha said very humbly if a person gives us a gift and if we feel like not taking it then what will that person do, Disciple said, that person will return with his gift.

Then Gautam Buddha said that I did the same, that person gave me a gift in the form of profanity. I made up my mind not to take him, which means no response was given to him.

This story gives us understanding that if someone calls us a bad word and we refuse to take it, we do not react to it outside or react in the mind, then it happened that we refused to take his gift.

  • What is a laughing Buddha? The Story Behind It

Friends, these days you must have seen that Laughing Buddha has now become a fashion.

People give laughing Buddha others and believe that it is a symbol of good luck, that by keeping it, happiness will come in life, someone told us and we started contemplating the same. 
Laughing Buddha Statue, Gautam Buddha , buddha motivational stories, motivational stories, kids motivational stories, buddha statue

Laughing Buddha Statue

  • Is Laughing Buddha lucky? 

no, because we did not know in the true sense that what Laughing Buddha is, why it is given and how it brings happiness,

Laughing Buddha is a symbol that tells you to always be happy, if you see Laughing Buddha, give a smile or whoever comes to the house, then the people of the house who met him are happy among themselves in this way.

Happiness will come, this is the right way to bring happiness to the house with Laughing Buddha.

  • Gautam Buddha's story of Angulimar is very famous.

Once, Gautam Buddha was passing through the forests of Kosala, then he heard that someone is so wicked in these forests, he cuts the fingers of the people and wears them with his garland and he has pledged to wear 100 fingers.

Gautam Buddha felt very sorry that this person is spoiling his life.

Buddha decided to meet him and went where he lived, Buddha began to go and seeing him Angulimar shouted, "Go back,  I will cut your finger and make that in my garland after dying you".

But Gautam Buddha had great compassion for him that how can he leave this work.

Gautam Buddha walked towards Angulimar and Angulimar was very surprised, People run away from me, he is coming to me even after I refuse him, he is not afraid of me even.

Then Gautam Buddha said to Angulimar that If you want me to die, then you have to answer one of my questions, two trees have been planted. 

Bring me one stem from the tree. Angulimar brought a stem from the tree, then Gautam Buddha said, now add this stem to the tree.

Angulimar said how could this happen, Gautam Buddha asked him to try maybe it happens, Anugimar tried but the stem did not connect to the tree.

Then Gautam Buddha explained to him that you can break the stems from the tree, but you cannot add it, in the same way, you can kill men but you cannot live them.

It affected him a lot and he stopped killing people. And Angulimar became a disciple of Buddha.
 Gautam Buddha , buddha motivational stories, motivational stories, kids motivational stories, buddha statue

Gautam Buddha motivational stories

  • What are the 5 rules of Buddhism?

The five percepts of Buddhism are 
1. To abstain from taking life
2. To abstain from taking what is not given
3. To abstain from sensuous misconduct
4. To abstain from false speech

5. To abstain from intoxicants as tending to cloud the mind
Buddhists do not believe in any god.they had suggested this five percepts of living rather than doing than worship of God. 

  • Buddha Quotes -

“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.”
― Gautama Buddha

“Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom.”-Gautam Buddha

“There is nothing so disobedient as an undisciplined mind, and there is nothing so obedient as a disciplined mind.”-Gautam Buddha

“The tongue like a sharp knife… Kills without drawing blood.”
-Gautam Buddha

“Teach this triple truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.”
-Gautam Buddha

“Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”
-Gautam Buddha

“If a man’s thoughts are muddy, If he is reckless and full of deceit, How can he wear the yellow robe? Whoever is master of his own nature, Bright, clear and true, He may indeed wear the yellow robe.”
-Gautam Buddha

“For soon the body is discarded, Then what does it feel? A useless log of wood, it lies on the ground, Then what does it know? Your worst enemy cannot harm you As much as your own thoughts, unguarded. But once mastered, No one can help you as much, Not even your father or your mother.”-Gautam Buddha

“Everything that has a beginning has an ending. Make your peace with that and all will be well.”
-Gautam Buddha

“The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are you freed.”
-Gautam Buddha


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