How would you like to identify yourself?

Hello friends, today on Writeabc we are going to discuss about ourselves, our true self And also how would we Identify Ourselves in this world.

identify yourself, quotation,How to identify myself infographic

If you feel that you do not have something that you always want to get, then think about what you have right now?

When a person who is admitted to a hospital after suffering an accident and is struggling between life and death, then what is the difference between his wishes and your wishes? 

You are thinking of getting the things of the world and he is just thinking of getting a life. Ever thought how much you have It is a precious thing. 

Why should anyone have crores of rupees but whether he buys childhood or even 1 minute of his life. Is it possible?

Probably not! Thousands of iPhone-X also cannot give you 1 minute more life. If we assume that a person will live for 60 years, 365 days in a normal year and 366 days in a leap year.

If all are multiplied according to 60 years, then there are 21 thousand 915 days. Of which, if 8 hours are removed for human sleep every day, 2 hours for eating and drinking and bathroom, 8 to 9 hours for going to market and working, 3 hours for entertainment. Only 2 hours are left for themselves in 1 day.

Now if you look at these two hours in a year, then 730 hours and 43 thousand 800 hours in 60 years. If add 2 hours and 30 hours of leap year for 60 years So a total of 43 thousand 830 hours. 1826.25 days. 

It has been about 5 years which are completely his own. Still, surprisingly it is that 5 years of the beginning of his life, he is able to know and learn things. In itself, the human being is everything and nothing at all. 
identify your true self, know yourself truly

Yet the surprising thing is that 5 years of the beginning of his life he spends his time learning things. Overall, a human being is everything and nothing. 

However, it is mine, I have done this, I have right over it. People keep doing this.

For what when that person does not know what he was before when he was born on earth?

He learned everything only after coming into the world. Some became proud of his money, some of his beauty, some of his name, some of his body. But nobody has been able to buy even 1 minute of life till date.

World-famous dancer Michael Jackson wanted to live 150 years, wear gloves before shaking hands with someone. Put a mask on his mouth before moving among people. 

He had appointed 12 doctors at his home to supervise him. Those who used to check his hair from head to toenails daily, his food was fed to him after being checked in the laboratory.

He hired 15 people to get himself exercised. Michael Jackson was a black man, he underwent plastic surgery in 1987.

He had his skin blonded. He also left his black parents and black friends. After being a blonde, he hired a white parent and made his friend a white woman who also get married to white women. On November 15, Michael married his nurse Debbie Rowe.

Who gave birth to Prince Michael Jackson Jr. (1997) and Paris Michael Catherine (3rd April 1998). He was pursuing the goal of living for a hundred and a half years. He always slept in oxygen-rich beds. 

Donors were also prepared, which he used to spend, So that when the time comes, he has kidney, lungs, eyes Or any other body part needed On arrival, they come and give it. 

He thought he could dodge death due to money and his fame, but he proved to be wrong. On 25 June 2009, his heartbeat stopped, in the presence of 12 doctors at his home. The condition did not come under control, doctors from all over the city gathered at his house

He too could not save him. He did not eat anything, contrary to the doctor's advice for 25 years. In the end, his condition had worsened. 

By 50 years he had reached near collapse. And 25 June On 2009, he left this world, who had arranged for himself to live one and a half years.
know yourself quote, know your real identity, infographic

His arrangement was left behind. When the post-mortem of his body was done, the doctor told that

His body had become a bone structure. His head was bald, his ribs were broken, his bones were broken. He had countless needle marks on his body. 

Dozens of antibiotic injections a day were taken to relieve the pain caused by plastic surgery. Michael Jackson's final journey was watched live by 2.5 billion people. It is the most-watched live broadcast ever.

The day of Michael Jackson's death on June 25, 2009 at 3:15 PM on Wikipedia, Twitter, and AOL's instant messenger all crashed. As soon as the news of his death was revealed, 8 lakh people searched Michael Jackson on Google. 

The biggest traffic jam was on Google due to more searches! And for two and a half hours Google was not able to work. Those who think of dodging death always dodge from death. 

Do you remember that Two days before you married someone What did you eat? How much do we need? And How much do we want to get? 

Think about it. Is our next generation not able to earn, We want to save as much as possible for them? Can't we spend one and a half days a week for our friends, our family and ourselves? Can you spend 5% of your monthly income for your enjoyment?

We spend our happiness? Why can't we earn as well as enjoy it? Before you fall prey to a sleep disorder, take the time to get pleasure before cholesterol blocks your heart. 

We do not own a property. Only some papers, some documents have our name written temporarily on them.

Do not judge by seeing a car. It is not wrong to be rich, but it is wrong to be just rich. Let's catch life before life catches us. 

If a person comes to know that today is his last day in this world and he is asked to ask for his most precious thing, how many people will be asking for his business profit, new car, jewelry or a luxurious bungalow?

Maybe not even a percent. But 99.9% will just say that I don't want anything, take everything from me. Just give me back life. Didn't this Michael Jackson do it?

Near-death, a human being feels that life is more than heaven because business at that time Profit, name, and fame all seem to fade away in front of this life. 

It seems that whatever is there is everything from this life, after that it cannot feel what it is, it cannot know that life What is after So what is the use of all those things.

I believe there must be a heaven somewhere in the universe, I believe there would be hell too, but if you are unable to feel what is the meaning of such a heaven.
who are you, identify your power , yourself

Why do you understand things because you have learned things, even if you can understand me, I have not taught you this.

But if a person who does not know Hindi or English language can see my article, but I cannot understand what I am writing or what I want to explain until he learns Hindi.

The information that you learn is saved in different parts of the brain, such as the frontal lobe, temporal lobe, and parietal lobe, from where your intelligence, reasoning, memory, emotions, behavior, personality behavior, language, speech and behavior Everything operates.

Your brain is the one that is making you realize everything and the neurons work to send messages to your brain which is an electrically excitable cell.

It is processing and transmitting information through electrical and chemical signals.

And there is a synapse between two neurons, which is acting as a connection between your neurons. A lot of people might not know that everything they see is the opposite. The image that is made on retina becomes inverted.

But it is our brain that makes it straight. If a person goes into a coma, it means his brain is still alive, yet he cannot feel the things or changes around him until the proper information up to his brain. Transmission is not happening. No matter how much you tell a person who has gone into a coma, you will make him a millionaire, you will give everything that a person wants to get.

infographic of quote, identify myself

But nothing means anything to him because his mind is not able to understand anything. So shall we accept that what is there is all in this world? For now, the answer is yes...

Because we cannot access anything in this universe without a brain. There are 100 billion neurons in the human brain, but till date, mankind has been able to access only 15%.

Many times faster than us, a dolphin came out which used the capacity of its brain up to 20%. If we bring a human being 500 years ago and teach us all the things of today's world, what will be the difference between us?

The scriptures say that the soul is immortal. In all religions, the soul is considered holy because the mind does not accompany the soul leaving the body. The mind is a physical thing and the soul is energy.

How can the two be together? If the mind goes with the soul, then a human being can be in the whole universe. According to science, energy cannot be destroyed; it can only be transformed from one state to another.

As the theory of momentum in physics, if a small car hits the truck, there will be a slight change in the speed of the truck. The shock caused de-acceleration and the momentum of the truck transferred to the car when it hit. The energy was not lost, just transfer.
How Do You Get To Know Yourself Fully? - Sadhguru answers at Entrepreneurs Organization Meet

We have learned that the soul is an energy that is immortal, is it not? It is something that belongs to a human being, which a human being does not control because that person has no control over it. Can you do it? The brain is a physical thing, humans have got from this world.

He does all the work using the same. We all run towards the things that we get or sometimes do not get. The day you start fighting with people, your chances of winning become less. Now The point is, who is to fight after all?

By yourself! By your feeling! With the negative energy inside you that scares you again and again from past conditions and future troubles. Once you do that, then no one can beat you, if you win by yourself. One, not even a lakh people can beat you even if you want to defeat them. Build the Courage inside you that has fallen asleep. Wake up, look around you! Everything that you want to get is waiting for you.


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