How Do You Keep Your Mind Stable ?

Hello friends, today on Writeabc we are going to discuss the Power of Stable Mind in our daily life. And we will also discuss the way To Make It Stable?

How Do You Keep Your Mind Stable ?, Stable mind,

Table Of Contents

  • Introduction

Peace of mind is a state of mental and emotional peace, with no anxiety, fear, or tension. In this state, the mind is relaxed, and you experience a feeling of happiness and freedom.

So, the term 'peaceful mind' is used to describe a mental state that has mental and emotional peace. This is a state where your mind is not stirred with worries and anxiety. 

Mental activity is phased out so that peace and tranquility can be experienced. Instead of being troubled by the past or future, your focus is on this present time, now you are alive.

"Establish peace of mind as your highest goal, and organize your life around it." - Brian Tracy

As a result, the mind is like an ocean. For most people, the mind is constantly wandering, like water, without any rest. 

It is stimulated by our restless and rushing thoughts, like waves on the shore. Our desires and fears not only bother us, but they also prevent us from searching for the Peace of Mind.

Like the wind, our thoughts and concerns can lead to a stormy ocean, without allowing us to rest. The mind, however, in itself is neutral like water. 

If you are able to reduce the impact of your thoughts on your mind, you will create a calm sea. Our mental peace depends highly on our ability to calm our thoughts. You will be able to calm the ocean by applying this trick. 

It simply does not work. Instead, it is necessary to address the root of the problem, which is air, or in our case our fears, desires, and thoughts. If you want a calm sea you have to stop the effect of the wind on the sea. 

We need to learn to Control these Feelings and thoughts so that our mental state remains unaffected by it. For this to work properly, we need to control and strengthen our focus.

All of us have experienced this magnificent mental state called peace of mind, for example, watching an entertaining movie or TV program during a vacation or when deeply absorbed by an amazing book, such as Being in the company of the person you love, lying on the beach sand, when you experience some kind of mental numbness, forgetting your work and day-to-day life, in deep sleep, when You don't know anything All these peaceful moments are not so rare. 
infographic stable mind, infographic of tips of stable mind

You have experienced them in the past, at a time when you were engaged in some kind of absorbing or interesting activity. 

During this stage, we were not troubled by our concerns and thoughts. Instead, our mind was calm - we had found inner peace.

Such activities and similar ones take the mind away from their common thoughts, concerns, and constant thinking, replacing them with inner peace. Usually, this state lasts for some time, but we enjoy it.

You can also ask if it is possible to turn it into a habit, and always and under all circumstances enjoy it. 

In fact, there are some things you can do to enjoy more peace in your life, and over time, you can gain the ability to experience it often.

So, inner peace eventually leads to external peace. By creating peace in your inner world, in your mind, you bring it into your outer world, and into other people's lives.

"Every minute you are angry, you leave sixty seconds of peace of mind" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • How to get peace of mind?

Now, the question is how to bring peace of mind in our life. This means, how can we calm the ocean to invite mental peace and peace of mind in our lives? 

More importantly, how can we keep a calm mind in stressful and uneven situations or even in times of great disappointment and difficulties?

The following will show you the most powerful ways to find peace of mind - a mental state, which is calm and peaceful like water on the deepest land of the sea.

  • Eliminate some media distractions 

Optimize your time: Media consumption can cause a lot of turbulence within our minds. These media deflections range from television, radio, newspapers, and magazines to video games and music. 
distractions of mind, stable your mind, avoid social distractions

Minimize the amount of time you spend reading newspapers or watching the news on TV. Since most news is negative news, and you can't do anything about them, why should you think about them and feel stressed and anxious? 

Basically, they are all common that certain types within these media categories can affect your mental state in a negative way.

  • Keep away from negative thoughts

Stay away from negative conversations and negative people. You do not want their thoughts and words to sink into your subconscious mind and affect your mood and state of mind.

  • Do not hold and learn to forgive 

Do not hold. Far away, we hold grudges. This emotional baggage accumulates over time and becomes a heavy burden that we carry on our shoulders.

Learn to forget and forgive. Nurturing sick feelings and complaints causes you pain and lack of sleep. It is important to realize that we cannot do the things that came undone. 

The grip on your anger will only burn you from the inside, not to mention the fact that it will prevent you from finding peace of mind. For this reason, it is very important to learn to forgive the other. 

Forgiveness is important to maintain inner harmony. This will help you to overcome anger and inner turmoil. Being able to forgive will help you to Overcome the Pain (struggle). 

Furthermore, scientists have shown that forgiveness is an important skill when you want to establish inner harmony.

  • Do not be jealous

Do not be jealous of other people. Jealousy means that you have low self-esteem, and therefore, consider yourself inferior to other people.

Jealousy and low self-esteem, often, lead to a lack of peace of mind.

Do not waste time for things that are beyond your control: accept what cannot be changed. This saves a lot of time, energy and worries. 

Every day, we face many inconveniences, troubles and situations that are beyond our control. If we can change them, that's fine, but it's not always possible.

We must learn to adopt such things and accept them happily.

  • Do not focus over the past

The past periodically hunts each of us. The past is no longer here, so why think about it? 

Forget the past and focus on the present moment. There is no need to provoke and drown out unpleasant memories. Thinking of everything that happened and mistakes made in the past repeatedly will cause a lot of upheaval in your mind.

For this reason, it is so important not to pay attention to the past. You cannot change the past. However, you always have a chance to change your position in this present moment. 

Therefore, learn to avoid the withdrawal of heavy emotional and unpleasant memories of the past. Try to focus your attention on the current situation.

  • Identify a certain level of identity

Emotional and mental identification is essential: Do not take everything personally too. 

A certain degree of emotional and mental detachment is of great help. On many occasions, it would be useful to inject a certain measure of detachment and non-participation. 

This will bring more peace, harmony and common sense in your life. When it comes to establishing mental peace and harmony, mental and emotional detachment can be of some importance.

You will see that there are many people who are easily hurt by the slightest excitement. They start complaining about the most ridiculous things, writing angry letters or letting off steam on internet forums. 

Don't be one of them. Know the important skills of not being angry with everything and everyone. A greater level of inner peace can be attained by detaching oneself from things that simply do not deserve your attention.

  • Focus your mind

power of focus mind, keep your mind focused,  stable my mind

Learn to focus your mind. When you can focus your mind, you can more easily reject worries and worries, refuse to think negative thoughts and reduce the constant chatter of your mind.

  • Meditation

Meditation is not a cup of tea for everyone, but even if you have time, and are ready to give it a try, just a few minutes a day will change your life. You will become more calm, relaxed, and happier.

If you want to create a proper foundation for establishing long-lasting mental peace, there is no way instead of meditation. This is just the most effective thing you can do. 

Meditation, I mean, is not a spiritual practice in this context, but simply a mental practice to calm your mental activity.

  • Make a Habit of Stroll

stroll, stable mind, tip to stable your mind, stroll for peaceful mind

Take a walk in nature and take a walk from your nearest park. The feeling of walking through nature will not only get you on the ground, but it will also help to calm your mind. Walking is highly effective, but most people have sadly forgotten its benefits.

  • Be more patient and tolerant 

Promote patience and tolerance: Learn to be more patient and patient with family, friends, co-workers, employees, and everything else. 

Every day many times we encounter people who do things that we do not approve. In almost all cases, we are so fed up with their behavior that it causes a great and angry storm inside our mind. 

Learn the patience and tolerance of these people. As long as they do not hurt anyone else, it will not affect your mental well being. Do not allow these clowns to attract more attention than they deserve. 

Most likely you won't be able to change them anyway, so why allow them to disrupt your peace of mind.

  • Don't worry about what others are thinking

Another source of mental discomfort maybe fear of other people's decisions. It can make us so upset that we do things that we don't want to do, just to please someone else. 

However, it is almost impossible to be loved by everyone. In fact, you cannot change the way people think about themselves. So, why bother about it? 

The ability to be influenced by other people's opinions will help you a lot in finding peace of mind in daily life.

  • Extended happiness and calm

We have the ability to influence our surroundings. When we enter a room where a fight has occurred, we feel uneasy. 

Whereas, when we enter a room where a child is playing, the sweet spirit takes hold of us. Similarly, as we practice meditation regularly, we will see a noticeable change within us. 

  • How To Be More Stable By Sadguru

We will carry beautiful energy around us. This will be evident not only to us but also to the people around us.

Therefore, the minute you think about what everyone thinks, stop taking your mind off with it, and start doing what you feel in your heart, right, is the minute you finally get to freedom. And will feel peace of mind.


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