What would be a great speech on courage and determination?

Hello friends, today on Writeabc we are going to help you to build great courage in your life with full determination.

We all have to face disappointments and difficulties many times in our life, we get so upset sometimes in our life that we do not understand any solution. 

Do not understand what is right, what is wrong, if you are going through a similar situation and if this post can put life back in you then I will consider its purpose as meaningful.
quotation on courage, infographic of courage,

Oscar Pistorius of South Africa, who has no legs below the knee, was awarded the gold medal at the 2008 Summer Paralympics 100,200 and 400 m race, so I think it is enough for those with a full body to tell that disability is nowhere. Only sitting in our mind, it is not just about the Gold medal but it is such a strong desire of a person who did not give up his disability as his weakness and gave a new message to the world.

“Believe in your infinite potential. Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself."

Live every moment of your life with enthusiasm, whenever you have negative thoughts, remember those who cannot walk but have a strong will to run, never be disappointed with their life, life is a natural one. A wonderful gift is live every moment beautifully.

Time may be the opposite of you, but you still have amazing and unlimited capabilities to change everything in a positive way.

Often we face problems, then we get defeated in front of them. At that time, we do not understand what is right and what is wrong. 
Overcoming the impossible: My song of Courage & Determination | Xoxi Mendez | TEDxYouth @ BeaconStreet

Every person has a different perspective of looking at situations. Many times in our life, a mountain of troubles is broken. In that difficult time, some people get broken and some are handled. 

According to psychology, a person sees any problem in two ways;

  • Focusing on the problem

  • Focusing on solutions

Problems centered on the problem often pile up in the troubles. In this way, humans think more about that problem than solve it in any trouble. And they are surrounded by them, but do not work on the ways by which they have to get out of that trouble, but they continue to complicate the problems.

On the other hand, people who are focused on solutions think more about their solution to troubles. Such human beings face problems with courage and finally achieve success.

Let us take a real-life example, what do you do whenever you are stuck in traffic, keep moving your car slowly and while doing so you get out of it, during that time you will see where the traffic police Or there is no traffic signal, some people are increasing the jam and then you must be angry too.

learn to have great courage in yourself, love yourself, build courage
But when the jam becomes severe then only one of you is making a gesture to get out of that jam. By doing this, the situation starts to become normal.

We just have to do the same in life, just keep trying slowly and there will be a time when you will come out of the traffic of that problem. You do not have to stop what will happen if you stop in the traffic, the traffic jam will be stuck again.

I see why there is unrest, depression everywhere in the world, and this punishment of one mistake does not end when the other suffers and aggravates. Is that happy if that person punishes him himself? No, but regret always happens later, nobody has done anything good till date because of revenge but man is compelled by his nature. 

There is a restlessness within us when injustice is happening to someone outside. Then we have an interest in videography, but when the same injustice is happening to ourselves, then we think that nothing works.

courage to live a better life, build your courage
The truth is that our view of the world is different, what it means to us when we are with others, and when it is with ourselves, we get caught up and don't even think for a moment to take some wrong step.

Do we not consider what we call anyone, ie the world, or do we suffer only from ourselves?

If we all see our benefactors in the world then evil will be eliminated from the world but we cannot do it ourselves because we do not want evil to end from the world. When I go out of the house, I do not think that they are outsiders, I think that I have to leave this body one day or the other, why in this whole world I should see everyone as I want for myself. 

I may not have blood relations with them, but the problem that I have If it happens to them too, then they are definitely like me. When I talk to you on the phone, I feel that if they have brought me any problem, then it is not theirs.

I keep it to myself and see if I will be in this trouble, what decision will I take, when I do this, then I also get the remedy.

The reason is not why there is evil in the world, but good people are not doing their work in the manner.

We cannot blame the law, the country for this every time.

Evil produces hunger, poverty, illiteracy, deception, affliction, and unrest

Goodness leads to education, prosperity, development, and happiness.

peaceful mind, make your mind stable
I can say how valuable you are that a person can make crores of rupees but crores of rupees cannot made a human being, so you can understand who is precious.

Do not worry so much that work is done, but not so much that life becomes complete.

Napoleon Bonaparte, a great fearless and courageous ruler of France who had no words of an impossible name in his life. Napoleon is considered one of the greatest and undefeatable generals in the world in history. He was considered one of the greatest winners of history. Nobody could stop him.

Napoleon often did risky things. Once he announced to cross the Atlas Mountains and went with his army. In front stood a huge and skyscraper which was impossible to climb.

A sudden stir was created in his army. Nevertheless, he ordered his army to march on it. 

An elderly woman was standing nearby. As soon as he heard this, she came to him and said why do you want to die. All the people who have come here are defeated. If you love your life, then go back. 

Napoleon, instead of getting annoyed at hearing this woman, was inspired and immediately took off the necklace and gave it to the elderly woman and then said; You have doubled my enthusiasm and inspired me. But if I come alive, then you cheer me up. 

Listening to Napoleon, the woman said- You are the first person who was not disappointed after listening to me. 

If someone tells you that this work is not easy then do not panic at all, of course, it should not be easy but not impossible.

I received comments that I do not feel like working, I cannot focus on any work, psychologically, we cannot focus on any work.

focus of mind , stable your mind

Human value and ethics tells that one of the reasons why we are not focused on any work is that we are not living today, ie.

What is this now?

It is considered as if your friend or acquaintance whom you have called to you, is not even close to you in front of you, that is, he is holding the phone, will repeatedly open Facebook or check WhatsApp or call someone.

Meaning you have it physically but mentally he is not completely there.

Now he went there and met the person with whom he was chatting while meeting you, then he does the same there, now he will check your message. He will not give him time.

This is also the reason for not being our focus.

That is, we should do any work only when we can be physically and mentally present for it.

That is, if you have met your friend, then the most valuable one is the one that is in front of you. If it is not so then you should not have been in front of it. 

We do this ourselves and spoil our own work. This is the right solution. That what is right now is the most important, so focus all your attention on it. You should analyze how many times you do this, the front person does the same.

That means you took out the phone from the pocket and you are also talking and fingers will be moving on the phone.

Meaning I should do this too, I should do all this.

If you are doing the same thing then why complain.

Whatever work or human you get in front of it

If you want to Make your Personality-rich, then first give it time and give your best.

Otherwise, you will be bound to find that if you got it, it was not free from the phone itself, what benefit did it get. 

In the second case, if you have full focus, then the person in front will be very impressed with you and he will definitely want to meet you because he will feel that you understood his value, and gave him his time. 

If you always focus on one task in a similar way, then you will have more such works as well.

If there are more, then all the work will be done, and what will happen if all the work is done, that is, you will always be successful.

Always analyse yourself how much my personality is affecting my life. If I am making some mistakes then fix it.

All the successful people will see their nature and analyze with little notice what activity they are doing while meeting someone.

If everyone is happy with you then it is certain that you have made many compromises in life and if you are happiest then it is certain that you have ignored or forgiven many of the mistakes of the people.

Try to be happy in the present, the future gives assurance, not a guarantee.


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