Bhagavad Gita Quotes - 50+ Motivational life Changing Quotes

Hello Friends ,Todayon Writeabcwe will tell you about some of the best and effective quotations from the Bhagavad Gita.
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Bhagavad Gita Quotes

It is a matter of great regret that we decide to commit a great sin and are willing to destroy our own self with the greed of state and happiness.
- Arjun

Bhagavad Gita Quotations

"O Arjun, getting cowardice in contrasting circumstances is contrary to the behavior of the best people. Neither is it the means of attaining Paradise nor will it be recited with it."

"Karma is worship only."
"O Arjun, you talk likewise people, but for those who do not have to grieve, you are mourning for them. Dead or alive, the wise do not grieve for anyone."
"As in this birth, the soul receives the hair, the youth, and the aged body. Similarly, after the death of the soul, a new body is attained. Therefore, a brave man should not be afraid of death."
"Neither this body is yours nor you are of the body. It is made up of fire, water, air, earth, sky and it will be found in this. But the soul is steady - then what are you?"
"The soul is immortal. Those who believe to kill this soul or die, they both are goofy,  the soul kills neither nor can anyone be killed by anyone."
"The soul is never born and does not die. It is not destroyed even after the body is destroyed."
"You devote yourself to God. This is the most excellent support that knows its support. He is always free from fear, anxiety, and grief."
"Just as a man takes off his old clothes and worn another new garment, likewise the creature abandons his old body after death and receives a new body."
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Bhagavad Gita Preaches

"The weapon can not cut this soul, the fire can not burn it, the water can not wet it and the air can not dry it."
"The death of the person who is born is sure and the birth of the deceased is sure. So you should not grieve for what is unreal."
"Arjun! All the creatures were unbearable before birth and will then disappear after death. Only appear between birth and death, then what is the point of mourning in it."
"Insult is more than death for a respected person."
"Whatever has happened, it is good that whatever is happening, it is getting better, whatever happens, that too will be good. You do not repent of the ghost. Do not worry about the future. The current is running."
"By going to heaven you will die in battle or you will enjoy the kingdom of earth by winning; So O Contey, you stand up for war."
"Happiness - grief, profit - loss, and victory - without worrying about loss, a man should do duty according to his power. Human beings do not sin if such actions are done."
"Come empty hands and leave empty hands back. Which is yours today, yesterday of someone else, day after day someone else will have. You are fascinated by thinking that it is yours. This happiness is the reason for your sorrows."
"For those who love the beautiful music of the Vedas, the enjoyment of the Vedas is everything."
"What did you lose that makes you cry? what did you bring, which you lost? What did you produce, which was destroyed? Neither did you bring anything, take it from here. Whatever given, given here only. Taken from the same (Lord) who took it. Given that, given to this."
"Only karma is in the control of man, not the results. So do not be trapped in the power of results and do not give up your karma."
"When your intellect charm will cross the swamps, at that time you will get recourse from the scriptures and also obtain quietness from the listable things."
"One whose mind is not troubled by grief, which is not the aspiration of pleasure, and in whose mind the anger, fear, and anger have been destroyed, such a Muni is called the enlightenment."
"Hey Kuntinandan! While trying to restrain the mind of the wise man, it also forces the spry-minds to be taken forcibly. Whose senses are subdued, its intellect is stable."
"Reflection of topics involves an attachment of subjects. A desire arises with attachment and anger is caused by desire."
"Hypnosis and indecision arise out of anger, hypnotism becomes distorted by the mind. Wisdom is destroyed when the mind is destroyed, and the destruction of intellect causes man to fall."
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"Why are you wasting time thinking? Whom do you fear in vain? Who can kill you? The soul does not rise, does not die."
"Peace brings to an end all the misery, and the calm person's mind becomes stable and becomes very energized with the divine."
"Whatever you do, let it be offered to God. Doing so will always enjoy the enjoyment of life-free."
"Like the floating boat floating in the water, it takes away from its goal, so even sense pleasure moves man towards the wrong path."
"The person who abandons all desires, without desire, without feelings, and without ego becomes the person who achieves peace."
"Man does not renounce karma and is free from the bondage of karma. Fame is not attained only by the renunciation of karma. No man can live without a moment even without doing anything."
"Like the best man, other people behave the same way. The person who gives evidence, the masses follow him."
"Those humans who do not criticize, devote their teachings to their lives forever, they become free from the bondage of karmas."
"The senses, minds, and intellects are called habitations of work. This habitation covers the senses, mind, and intellect by subducting knowledge and delivers the man."
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"The senses are said to be superior to the body, there is a mind beyond the senses and there is intellect beyond mind and the soul is also very superior to intellect."
"O Arjun, I and many of you have been born, I know everyone but you do not know."
"O Arjun, when there is a rise in religion harm and unrighteousness in the world - then in every era, I am incarnated to protect good people, to kill the wicked and to establish a religion."
"O Arjun, my birth and deeds are divine, the person who knows it well, does not get rebirth after his death and he gets my people, Paramdham."
"O Arjun, I feed the person who worshiped me with any desire, I fulfill their wish."
"Who is hopeless, whose mind and senses are in control, who has abandoned all types of ownership, such a person does not receive sin even while doing karma from the body and becomes free from karma bondage?"
"Anything that is received by yourself, being content, devoid of jealousy, doing a karma yogi with equanimity in success and failure also does not bind the bonds of karma."
"As Arjun burns like ignited firewood, the same kind of knowledge fire consumes all the bondages of fire."
"O Arjun, you always remember me and do your duty. In this way, with the mind and intellect offered in me, of course, you will receive me."
"All the beings are equal to me, neither do I have any unpleasantness or no love; But those who worship me with reverence and love, they live close to me and I also live near them."
   Bhagavad Gita Quotes

"If anyone bigger than a bad person is worshiping me with a special devotion, then he should also be considered a saint and he soon becomes a saint and ultimate peace is attained."
"O Arjuna, you believe that this truth is true that my devotee never dies or decay."
"I am the cause of all creation and I belong to the world."
"Work, anger, and greed are the three gates leading this life to hell, so all three should be sacrificed."  

"If you perform the sacrifice of doing your duty, you do not have to do anything else. Devoted to duty, man attains perfection."

"All created beings are unmanifest in their beginning, manifest in their interim state, and unmanifest again when they are annihilated. So what need is there for lamentation?"

"The power of God is with you at all times; through the activities of mind, senses, breathing, and emotions; and is constantly doing all the work using you as a mere instrument."
"He who wherever he goes is attached to no person and to no place by ties of flesh; who accepts good and evil alike, neither welcoming the one nor shrinking from the other – take it that such a one has attained Perfection."
"One who has control over the mind is tranquil in heat and cold, in pleasure and pain, and in honor and dishonor; and is ever steadfast with the Supreme Self."
"The actions of a great man are an inspiration for others. Whatever he does becomes a standard for others to follow."
"Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is."   

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